Thursday, July 29, 2010

July Highlights

Well July has come and gone.  Here's some highlights from the month...

Brenna loved playing Dress-Up in Grandma Joann's closet.  She pulled out all her hats and accessories and put on as many as she could at the same time. 

July is the start of Birthday Season for the playgroup since everyone's birthdays fall between July and December.  First to turn 2 was Carley.  She had a fun pool party at her clubhouse. 

Carley and her Mommy, Lauren. 

Jalyn, Audrey, and Brenna had fun playing in the showers. 

Love this pic of Brett.

Me and my little fish. 

Second to turn 2 was Maddy who celebrated with a BBQ at Carlon Park at the Beach.

Maddy, and her parents Ashlee and Matt. 

Marina and Brenna coming down from a cake high. 

Off to preschool.  In my backpack is a blanket and sheet for naptime and
my lunchbox has all my snacks and lunch for the day. 

Playtime at Gymboree.


Here I come...

Check out my blond curley poneytail!

Storytime at the Jupiter Library is always a favorite activity. 

Today they even got out the parachute...

Another big July milestone is just how AMAZING Brenna is in the water.  She can 100% swim and would stay in the pool all day long if I let her.  I will try to get a good video of her in the water and post soon!

We are in full swing planning Brenna's 2nd Birthday party.  She turns 2 in exactly 1 month!  She is so so cute right now! 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

10 Year High School Reunion

I've been slacking with the posts and some fun things have happened in the last 6 weeks, so time to write them down so I can look back and remember.

In early June, I had my 10 year high school reunion.  How have I been out of high school for 10 years?  How am I old enough to have a child?  How am I married?  Are you sure I'm a grown-up?  For real?

I really have to give it to Gina because she did a FANTASTIC job with absolutely NO HELP from her fellow senior class officers (including me, sorry Gina but thank you!)  She really did single-handedly do all the promotion and organization for the event and at the end of the day we had a fantastic turn-out and an amazing night. 

First things first, Lauren hosted a nice brunch at her parents' house for the "crew."  This was an awesome way to start the weekend and such a fun way to get excited for the main event later that night.  Here are some pics from brunch:

Thanks, Michelle, for the tip about the arm-pose ;-)
From June 2010

From June 2010
Now one with the babes...
From June 2010
Gina, Bill, Pete, and Lauren
From June 2010
Shari and Benjamin (7 months)
From June 2010

Schecky and Gina
From June 2010
Levine, Bloomie, Schecky, Sharbec, Gyna, Lauren
From June 2010
This was hilarious...10 years later, these two walk in in the same outfit. 
From June 2010
Love these girls so much.  They are the real deal and like a fine wine, get better with age!
  Here we are practicing up on our names by going through the yearbooks.
From June 2010

After brunch, Brett and I dropped Brenna off at Grammy's for the night and we stayed at the Riverside Hotel which was right down the street from the reunion which was held at America's Backyard. 

Next, we all met up at YOLO for dinner.  We were so excited that Kristen and her husband Quinn came!  They came all the way from TOKYO where Kristen works as a speech pathologist and helps families of the military that are stationed over there.  Check out her blog here to see all the exotic places and food her and Quinn come into contact with on a daily basis.

From the top going clockwise:  Shari, Schecky, Lauren, Kristen, Colleen, Me, Michelle, and Gina.

As Kristen said on her blog, Bravo, Quantum Leap because all of us Leapers from high school turned out pretty successful and well balanced individuals. 
From June 2010

Lastly, we all went to America's Backyard where we danced and caught up with old friends.  It was such a great night and Brett and I even got to sleep in the next day!