A trip to the park with Molly and Brenna
Such a ham!
Who, Me???
Mommy's helper
Momma's Musings
Brenna is 7 Months old. She's so fun right now. She sits up all by herself and rolls from her back to her side or tummy very easily. She still does not like to be on her tummy for any real period of time and doesn't roll from tummy to back very often. She's eating solids 2-3 times a day (between 1/2 and a whole stage 2 jar at a time) and has 4-5 bottles a day. We're trying to introduce the sippy cup with some fruit juices but so far she just sort of chews on it and doesn't know what to do with it.
Sleeping. Brenna hasn't been sleeping as well as she did at 3-4 months. She's waking up at least once a night. I think it has to do with teething but a tooth hasn't popped through yet. I'm sure any day now, one will appear. She's not a very good napper unfortuantly. She takes 2-3, 15-30 min naps a day. Some of her playgroup pals are taking 1-2 ,1-2 hour naps a day. I wish!!!It's so funny because people say the same thing when they see her out in a store. At first, everyone said "Look at that hair!" because she had so much black hair the first 2 months. Then all her hair fell out and her cheeks plumped up so everyone said "Look at those cheeks!!!". Now everyone who stops us in a store says "Wow, she's really malnurished, you should feed her more" or "omg, look at those thighs!" She's definitely rolly-polly right now. It's soooo cute. You just want to grab her and squeeze. And her hair has started to come back now so time for bows.
Brenna has made a ton of friends and LOVES our playdate group! Brenna, Ella Kate, Maren, Marina, Audrey, Austin, Mason, Ry, and Cristian get together weekly to play and the moms love it too :-)
Taking Brenna to the beach although it was a little chilly that day.
Brenna loves when Daddy plays SuperMan!
March 2 - Brenna gets a new cousin! Alex Parker Musson was born to Amanda and Stephen. We can't wait to meet little Alex and see Nick again soon.
March 13-16 - Brett and Iwent on a cruise to the Bahamas with Mark, Jill, Freddie and McKenzie . It was a nice weekend getaway. Brenna stayed with Grammy and Grandpa. (I'll post pics as soon as I see them - hint hint, Freddie!)