Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy Birthday, Brenna!!!!

Brenna is now 1 year old! I'd like to say that the time flew by but really it didn't. It was a long year full of exhaustion, fun, laughs, and many new friends. We had a big party on Saturday to celebrate her birthday. Friends, old and new, came out to our BBQ at the house and Brenna had a blast. We asked people to hang a buck or two on our Giving Tree (an idea I stole from my neighbor/friend Allison) and we raised $100 to donate to St. Jude Children's Hospital. Of course, not everyone obeyed the no gifts rule and Brenna now has some really cool new toys and clothes. Among her favorites are some new Gator gear, a new red wagon from Grandma and Grandpa and a new table and chairs set from Grammy and Grandpa.

She loved the cake. She dug right in and made a mess of herself but after a quick bath she was ready to go back out and party!

She also had her 12 month checkup this week and weights 22 lb 15 oz, 18.25 inches long. Time to ditch the formula ( bank account thanks you!). She's an excellent eater right now and among her favorite foods are blueberries, yogurt, cinraison toast, cheese, Mahi Mahi (she loves fish!), ham, turkey, pears, broccoli, and green beans. She has 4 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom with another one just starting to poke through on the bottom.

She's not walking yet but she can crawl FAST!!! She's pulling up on everything and cruising all the furniture but I think we still have a little bit to go before she walks unassisted.

She waves and says "hi" and LOVES LOVES LOVES Peekaboo NEVER gets old around this house. She loves helping me with the laundry...she pulls it out of the laundry basket for me to fold and plays... yep, you guess it....Peekaboo with the laundry. She says Dada and makes a great monkey face. Our next mission is the conquer the Gator Chomp before this weekend's game.

Here's a slideshow of her birthday party and 2 videos below the slideshow.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Our Week at Hilton Head, South Carolina

We spent the last week in Hilton Head Island with Ed, Joann, Mandy, Stephen, Nick, and Alex. Ed and Joann own a timeshare at Barony Beach and we had a lovely sun-filled week at the beach. Minus the 24 hour food poisoning episode that I had, it was a perfect week. Take a look at some of the highlights of our trip below.

Monday, August 3, 2009

11 Month Update

Hello everyone,

Well Brenna is 11 months old now so it's time to start planning her 1st birthday party :-)! We can't wait to celebrate with all of our family and friends. I'm stealing a lot of things for the party from my neighbor, Allison! For her daughter Cate's first birthday party, she created a "Giving Tree" and asked that guests only bring a $1 bill to hang on the Giving Tree, all of which were donated to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. I thought this was such a great idea that I vowed to steal it which of course I did! I know people sometimes feel weird not bringing a gift, but I am 100% sincere when I say that I hope people only bring something for our giving tree. Brenna is so lucky to be spoiled all year round, I can think of no better gift than teaching her to care for others that are less fortunate. This is also a reminder to Brett and I how lucky we are to have such an amazing and HEALTHY baby girl in our lives. So anyways, check back next month for updates and pictures from the party.

This past month has been filled with so many improvements in Brenna's motor skills. At 10 1/2 months, Brenna finally figured out how to crawl forwards! And ever since then, it's been GO GO GO!!! She's also been walking wonderfully behind her push cart that the Lubers left for us once they moved. She is seriously quick! One of the most memerable events of the past month and Brenna's new found mobility is the unfortunate fall from my bed a couple of weeks ago. I performing our daily ritual of making our bed while Brenna was on it (she loves when I flip and fluff the sheets). I was done making the bed and like all the other mornings I turned around to put my jewelry on and wouldn't you know it but she crawled right off the bed toward me, flipped, and flat-backed right on the floor! It SCARED ME TO DEATH. Needless to say, we both cried and I learned my lesson that she's not going to sit still anymore like she used to. (Don't worry, she's just fine)

Here's a video of her crawling milestone!

Another cute thing she's into this month is peekaboo. She holds up a blanket and giggles everytime! Take a look!

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the last few weeks:

From July 2009

From July 2009

From July 2009

From July 2009

From July 2009