Sunday, May 31, 2009

May Wrap-Up (Brenna at 9 months)

May has come and gone and many exciting things have taken place since my last blog post.

Brenna is 9 months old now and she has been sleeping through the night (7pm-7am) for the past month!!! It's been wonderful!!! What a long tiring road to get here. It's sooo fabulous getting a full night sleep again.

She has been scooting backwards all across the room for several weeks. This week, she has started to get on her knees more so I think it won't be long before we see some forward motion.

For Mother's Day weekend this year, we took a trip to Atlanta to visit the Mussons. We were especially looking forward to seeing our new nephew Alex Parker. What a cutie! We had a lovely weekend. We had a picnic in Piedmont Park while Mandy played tennis and Brenna loved playing with Nick, who always kept her entertained.

Brenna's First Plane Ride


Nick and Brenna in the tub

Pretty Girl!

The Best Kisses in the World!

Brenna is having a hair moment!

Mandy and Alex

While in Atlanta, we got to see Mark and Jill's new home in Alpharetta. They were kind enought to let us stay over with them one night and they took a road trip with us the following day to Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, TN so that Brett could visit with his zipline client. It was a long somewhat stressful drive through the mountains trying to entertain both Brenna and Molly. Subsequently, Jill and I ended up coming down with something and didn't feel too well the next few days after that. We did have a good time in Dollywood though and I'm glad the Lubers went with us.

Brenna and Molly on our way!

Welcome to Dollywood!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Let the record show that at 8 months, Brenna is finally sleeping through the night! It's not a fluke either! We've had 4 nights in a row of 12-13 hours of uninterupted sleep at night! What an angel baby!!!

Lately, her daily schedule kinda goes like this (FYI, sorry to bore any of you with the details but since I'm totally slacking on a physical baby book, I'm making this blog my digital baby book that I will eventually print out and I want to be able to remember the milestones).

7:30am Wake Up / Bottle (8 oz)
10am Breakfast (1/2 jar of stage 2)
11am: Nap (30 mins - hour)
1pm Lunch (full jar of stage 2 fruit)
3:30pm Bottle (8 oz)
5:45pm Dinner (1 jar - 1 1/2 jars of stage 2 veggies and fruits)
6:00pm Bath
6:45pm Bottle (8oz)
7pm Bedtime

Sweet Dreams!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Anything you can do, I can do better!

Check out Brenna and Daddy being silly!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Brett's Zip Line Project

As many of you know, Brett has been very busy the last few months at work (Parametric Solutions, primarily because he has been designing a "patent-pending breaking pulley" for a client that is opening a zip-line attraction in Dollywood this month.

We were surprised to see that they were covering this new attraction on our local news yesterday. After doing some digging, we found this great article and video from a Knoxville news channel featuring the new zip line ride and really showcasing the pulley which Brett designed.

Take a look at the video and article below to see just exactly what Brett has been up to these days. I'm really proud of all the hard work he's put into this. He really took this all the way from concept to manufacturing. We are hoping to drive up to Dollywood next week so he can see this in action.

