Monday, April 11, 2011

Here we go again!

In case you missed our recent facebook announcement....

Yep, we are very happy to announce that our family is growing!  Brenna's new brother or sister will arrive around October 16, 2011.  We are very blessed and lucky to be expecting especially since I know that the process of growing one's family does not happen so easily for everyone.  With Brenna, I got pregnant right away.  With this one it took slightly longer than immediately so it did give me a little bit more understanding for anyone who feels the disappointment in wishing they were pregnant.  So we are very thankful and I am trying my best to savor this pregnancy knowing that this will most likely be my last.  Sooo, how am I feeling you ask?


I am not one of these people that love being pregnant.  In fact when people tell me "oh I just love being pregnant", I think "really?  come on...are you serious? do you want me to punch you?"  In fact some of my friends are on baby #3 in less than 4 years and I honestly don't know how they are doing it.  Did they have very easy pregnancies?  Are they as tired as I am all the time?  Do they feel nauseous morning, noon, and night?  Have they had to get up from bed to puke?  No?  Just me?  Ok then. 

But at least I know what to expect this time around.  I feel pretty much exactly the same as I did when I was pregnant with Brenna only slightly less crazy. I still feel very hormonal but not as straight up crazy as I did the first time around...probably just because I know what I'm feeling is normal.  Another difference is that while I was nauseous all the time with Brenna in the first trimester, I never actually vomitted.  This time my dinner has come back up to say hello quite a few different times and I hate throwing up.  So disgusting.

I am hopeful that by week 14, my nausea will be gone and my energy back up.  That's what happened the first time so fingers crossed that I'll be feeling a lot better soon. 

Brenna is excited and insists on 2 things:  1) that she has a baby in her belly button and 2)  the baby will be a girl.  If we tell her that we don't know if it's a girl or a boy she breaks down and sobs that "Nooo, it's a girl"  Hmmm, she'll either be super excited or heart-broken. 

But despite not feeling well, I am truly so excited and happy to be expecting again. I found out I was pregnant after I had gone to NYC to visit Schecky for the weekend.  I tested when I got back and to my happy surprise, I got the 2 little lines 3 different times. So I went to the library and got a bunch of children's books about being a big sister and expecting a new baby in the house.  When Brett got home from work, I told him that Brenna had picked out some new books from the library that she wanted him to read to her.  He got it right away from the first book he pulled out and was very excited.  Yay!

Our little blueberry at 7+ weeks

Our little "large plum" at 12 weeks

2011 will be the year of the baby boom, with my brother, Jeff, and his wife, Jackie, expecting a baby boy in early August.  Cheers to new babies!!!