Thursday, May 31, 2012

How Brenna got ready for the new baby

We had lots to do to get ready for a second baby.  Two major things that needed to happen was 1) Brenna needed to lose the pacy and 2) transition to a big girl bed I didn't want her to associate the baby with taking either away so pretty soon after we found out we were expecting we started transitioning.    

While napping in her crib one afternoon, the pacy fair came and left her a little story about how she was taking her pacy and giving it to some new babies that needed them and she left her a little koala as a gift for giving her all her pacys.  When she woke up, she was sad...

But it didn't take long for her to come around....

And now for the big girl bed...

So many of Brenna's friends were going to be big sisters right around the same time.  Here is Brenna, Maddy and Audrey graduating from their Big Sister Class at Jupiter Medical Center.  

About my pregnancy

My last pregnancy post was way back in April when we let the world know we were expecting again.  My second pregnancy was very similar to my first but everything was just amplified.  I felt sick with Brenna but never actually threw up.  I threw up a lot with Lilia.  I was tired with Brenna...I was more tired with Lilia (maybe because I couldn't rest like I did the first go-around).  I was very happy to have started this pregnancy 15 pounds lighter than with Brenna and just like that one I gained about 35 pounds.  So getting that 15 pound head start really helped me out once the pregnancy was over.

7 Weeks

12 Weeks

I couldn't wait to find out whether or not we were having a girl or a boy.  I really didn't have a gut-feeling about it and when asked which I was hoping for, I knew that either option would cause mixed emotions.  A girl would be awesome.  I love to do the girly things and I have all the girly baby stuff from Brenna and I just feel like I'm well suited for girls...But if it's a girl, I knew I would be slightly disappointed that Brett didn't get a boy to do all the Daddy-Son bonding stuff with...not that he can't do the same things with girls but I would have felt disappointment if I didn't have a girl to do Mommy-Daughter things with so I would be a little sad about that for him.  Now if it were a boy, while I'd be very happy to have the experience of 1 of each, I'd be sad to not have another girl because I LOVE my girl so much and I would so love for her to have the experience of having a sister, something I always wished for.  And I knew Brenna wanted a baby sister badly (she would cry if we told her it might be a boy).  So truth be told, I was probably 51% wanting a girl and I think Brett was completely 50/50.  

The day of our ultrasound appointment, they do all sorts of measurements and it takes a long time before they actually get to the gender part.  The ultrasound tech seemed to take forever and when it was time for the gender reveal, she said something like "What did you say you have at home again?" And I said a girl and she made a face like "uh oh" so I immediately knew that it was another girl and felt excitement and happiness.  Then she confirmed it and said it was definitely another little girl on the way.  I was looking at Brett's face to try and see how he felt and he was happy too.  I think he acknowledged that it would have been cool to have had a boy but he was 100% excited and on board for another little girl.  Plus we have our nephews, Nick, Alex and soon to be Jaden to fill up any of the male bonding time that might be needed.

I spread the good news via text "Princesses and PMS, here comes another girl!"  

I didn't do maternity pictures the first time around and I've been so lucky to have met friends who happen to also be wonderful photographers so my friend Lauren, of Lauren Donovan Photography took these pictures of us right before we welcomed our little girl.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'm back!!!!

Well I'm back.  It's been 9 months since my last post and I'm so sad I haven't posted more.  I really could care less if anyone reads this but I want to look back and remember this precious time while our little ones are young so I am going to try my very best and update this on the happenings of our last 9 months.  There are oh so many...thus why I haven't had time to update in the first place!!!!  So apologies for anyone who actually subscribes to this blog as an rss feed because I will probably clog up your feed in the next week or so with tons of posts and pictures about the family!