Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's a new year!

A lot of fun and exciting things have happened so far in January.  For starters, Brenna started preschool 2 days a week so that I can work without distraction those 2 days.  I work part-time from home for a company that I love ( and I'm very lucky to have been able to work during naps and at nightime while she was sleeping prior to now but things have picked up and it's good for everyone that she go to school for a few hours a week.  It was very hard on both of us at first.  I stood outside the room the first 3 days crying while I listened to her cry but the place is wonderful and she's already starting to get more and more used to it and she's only been for a few weeks.

Here she is all ready to go on her first day!

From January 2010
I've also noticed that her vocabulary has really improved A LOT this month.  She can say (although not very clearly):  dada, mama, bless you, thank you, please (she has only said this once but it counts), ball, car, dog, cat, goat, brush, fish, shoes, cup, duck, choo choo, baff (for bath), hi, bye, and of course NO.   She can also identify a lot things in her words book and on her body. 

One funny thing that happened recently was she woke herself up coughing one night and all the sudden in the monitor, we heard her say "bless you, bless you, bless you" and then she went back to sleep. 
She has a gazillion teeth.  Really, I swear a new one pops through everyday.  Right now, I think she has every one of her top teeth and all but 3 on the bottom. 

She loves to play outside and here are a few pictures to prove it...

From January 2010

From January 2010

From January 2010

From January 2010

From January 2010

Our playgroup is still going strong and I swear these ladies keep me sane and happy!  We need to stage a group photo shoot soon because I don't have any recent ones to share.  Maybe next update...

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